Input For You

Processing millions of pages / year

About Input For You

Input For You enables leading corporations to transition successfully from paper handling activities to a digitized paperless environment. We help leading corporations reduce paper handling cost and increase efficiency in handling their inbound documents stream.

Input For You is today one of the biggest European players in providing document processing services to Finance and Insurance companies, the Social and Healthcare sector, the Automotive and Transport industry and the Utilities market.
  • Customers digitize incoming invoices, contracts, claims, post returns, marketing surveys, medical files and take benefit of a project ROI between 30 and 70%.
  • By combining in-house developed software solutions and the use of Optical and Human Character recognition techniques Input For You is one of the few companies that are capable to integrate the content of unstructured documents into critical business applications at an affordable cost.
  • Since 2006 Input For You digitized already 500 million paper documents and has a daily capacity to process more than 300.000 documents.

Call to Our Experts

+ 32 2 426 64 10

Our team

Meet Our Expert Advisors

Stephan Cornelis
Alain Dewispelaere
Bernard Coppens
Stefaan VanBastelaere
Nicolas Coppens
Sonia Reaume
Pierre Delandsheere
Ignacio Zafra

Our partners

Our partners work together with us to deliver digital value to our customers.

Input For You works with partners both for DMS or ECM solutions and application integration.